Forest Row Parish Council aims to improve the quality of life for its residents.

It aims to ensure that Forest Row is a desirable, thriving and sustainable place in which to live:

  • It represents the community at local, district, county and national level.
  • It enables residents of Forest Row and its surroundings to enjoy high quality social and recreational facilities. It works for their continuing improvement.
  • It seeks to preserve the unique identity of Forest Row. It seeks to create a socially inclusive and caring community which embraces everyone’s diversity.
  • It works with its residents, other councils, businesses and community organisations to achieve a safe, healthy, prosperous and sustainable community.

The Council’s structure, meetings and key documents.

Thursday Afternoon Club for anyone over 50. 

How to get in touch with the Council and its key services.

Our award-winning monthly
outdoor fine food and crafts market.

Our community lunch facility, open to all, with dedicated home delivery.

All the information you need to answer your local queries.

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